Tuesday, April 07, 2009

a list of native informants

CAIR has its problems: a supposedly civil rights group "cooperating" with the notorious anti-civil rights FBI is entirely absurd (to say the least) --- but then you have these native informants who take boot licking to an entirely new level:

via malangbaba

We, the undersigned American Muslims, have long known the true character of CAIR and its allies. Therefore:
  • We observe that they denounce "terrorism" in general terms but not the specific actions of Islamist groups like Hamas or Hezbollah. They denounce violence but not the ideologies behind it.
  • We observe their commitment to radical aims, their attempts to chill free speech by calling critics of radical Islam "Islamophobes," and their false, ugly accusations against moderate American Muslims who disagree with their agenda.
  • We reject any claim that CAIR and its supporters are legitimate civil liberties advocates or appropriate partners between the U.S. government and American Muslims.
  • We congratulate the FBI for adopting a firmer attitude toward CAIR, as a defense of Americans of all faiths from the menace of radical Islam, including Muslims of all backgrounds - Sunni, Shia, Sufi, secular, etc.
  • We call on the U.S. Department of Justice to affirm and continue this decision.
  • We call on the entire United States government to follow suit in rejecting relations with the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
The statement is signed by Kemal Silay, president of the Center for Islamic Pluralism; Supna Zaidi, assistant director of Islamist Watch; M. Zuhdi Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy; Imaad Malik, fellow with the Center for Islamic Pluralism; Ahmed Subhy Mansour with the International Quranic Center; Khalim Massoud, whose email address is Reform Islam; Nawab Agha Mousvi of the American Muslim Congress; Kiran Sayyed of the Council for Democracy and Tolerance; Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, executive director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism; a group called Shia Protest; and Jalal Zuberi, Southern U.S. director with the Center for Islamic Pluralism.

boot kissing Muslims

Check out a series of posts by Malangbaba on some Muslims who don't seem to get it that you don't kiss the (US government/FBI) boots that kicks you.

One needs only look at the historical role of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to know that it is a racist and anti-democratic organization which has repressed any and all communities of color, or dissenting communities, and in particular during times of Imperial wars abroad. In fact, the tactics being used by enforcement agencies against the Muslim communities, were practiced and perfected on the Black, Latino, Asian, Indigenous, labor-rights, and civil rights communities under the auspices of COINTELPRO in the 60s and 70s, not to mention the general racism and repression doled out from before and since then.

The only respect gained has been for the very similar gatekeeper and collaborationist organizations which have sold out the rights of their communities in exchange for having a "place at the table" with authorities.

At a time when the US government is waging war in multiple Muslim countries, directly, covertly, or by proxy, and acting like a modern-day pharaoh, is the duty, and moral obligation, of Muslims to be like Musa (as) or to be like Qarun?

The need for changes within the Muslim communities is long overdue, and this change can only come when Muslim community members, Imams, activists, and masajid start making it clear that not only do these Muslim organizations not represent us, but also that we seek our source of power and security from Allah, and in conjunction with other oppressed communities, like Musa (as) and not from those in power, like Qarun.

Click here to read more